Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Be Back soon

Sorry, I will be back shortly with worthwhile posts. Finally got my hands on Decoded and also another good book filled with quotes.....

No days off....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This week is finals week. I have four finals and one 10 page paper due this week. Ahh the life of a college student. It should not be too bad for me though. I am trying to get all the studying in, so there won't be too much cramming. Expect a blogs to be posted during awkward moments of the night or day. I have a feeling that my sleeping patterns will be off. 

I'm also thinking about a list of things that I want to do over this six week break I have as well. Any suggestions?

This week a tad more than most....

No days off!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My daydreams (some what)

This week's topic was to write about a daydream.

Day Dream

Its funny how I picked the topic
Don’t know what I was thinking, it was bad logic
Most of daydreams is just drifting
Thinking about my future has my mind shifting
Trying to see what steps I should take to better my future
While im remembering my past trying not to make the mistakes I used to
Sitting in class, front row not paying attention
Daydreaming wondering if the teacher knows im not listening
I hear the money calling and I start itching
Sorry for the simple flow, a little substance missing
Now back to the topic at hand, daydreaming
Staring off into space, while my minds streaming
Thinking about the way my people treated and its not even
Only thing in my vision is to get even
A different way
Make moves in a different lane
I was taught the water can put out the fire
So ill splash their flames and take my education higher
Success is the main course im working on the appetizer
Which is this daydream I guess dessert is to get wiser
Everybody got high hopes for me
I wonder if I really ran who would vote me
Trying to keep myself focused, cant choke on em’
Spirit higher than most, so I never smoke on em’
My shortcomings make me who I am
Shout out to everyone who ever spoke on em’
Got tired of the traffic so I went remote on em’
Known to be a man who says what he means
Im sorry I guess this wasn’t much of a daydream

No days off....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Christmas List

1. any good books, especially Decoded, or good DVD's. I want to start building collections of both.
2. Clothes, formal and casual.
3. Shoes, I've been slacking on my passion
4. preferably
5. Money towards a Nikon camera
5. Hats

Most of all I just want everyone around me to be happy, I would trade any tangible thing to make this possible.

No days off!!!


Lasers isn't even out yet and he is already giving a sample to what Food and Liquor II will be like. Hands down one of my favorite rappers.

No days off!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Letter to the 30 year old me

Every week we (me and the lady) do a free write. We rotate weeks when it comes to choosing the topic and one is due at the end of every week. It kind of forces us to take a break from the chaos and be creative. This week, we are suppose to write to ourselves ten years in advance. I thought it was interesting so I decided to post it on here.....

Dear Future,

I'm glad your still alive!

I wish you could write back and tell me what your life was like. I honestly wouldn't mind knowing how these struggles work out for me. Will I still feel these same emotions that I feel now? Do I ever find out what "making it" consists of? Do dreams come true? Are you happy? I would tell you things about me, but I am sure you would know everything that I would say. I wonder about my friends, did we stay close? Does your mind still drift as often as mine does now? Are you living up to your own expectations? Did you ever learn to care about yourself as much as you care about others? When was the last time you've cried?

I have all these questions but I also have some advice for you. Keep going, don't be satisfied with whatever success has come to you. Be sure to help those with aspirations as deep as yours that don't quite have the opportunities, just as you were helped. Reach out to someone who you haven't spoken with in a matter of years and see what they're up to. Make sure you stay close with your family and friends and tell them you love them often. And keep laughing and smiling. Keep living. Greatness has no limit.

Also make sure your kids, if you've had any yet, know who their father is and that his heart will not allow them to grow up without a father.

I think it's funny, how we often want to know so much about our future and how we look back on our past and laugh at serious things.

I would love to sit down and just exchange a few words with you, light conversation over peanut butter cookies and Kool Aid.

If you ever find the time to write back, I'm sure some 20 year old would love to hear what you'd have to say.

I can't wait to meet you!

Derrick, the 20 year old with aspirations of "making it" (whatever that means)

Yall know the motto

No days off!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Random Facts #4

1. I am super sarcastic, a lot of the time

2. I got a little homie named Monique, who is one of the dopest overall people I've met in college (when she wants to be)

3. I have aspirations of changing the world

4. Even though I have a couple of them, I think all of these social networks are a bit overrated

5. At my funeral, I would rather people smile and laugh and joke rather than cry

No days off!!!

Simple Conversation

It's funny how a simple conversation can spark so many thoughts. The other day I had a great talk with my newest big homie Alexis Robinson and I realized that I am not alone in some of my views. I learned that the way that I had been measuring myself was not a way to measure improvement. I was focusing too much on what I hadn't done and not enough on what I had done. It's funny how you learn a lot about yourself when talking to someone else. My relationship with Alexis will definitely grow because it seems like every time I talk to her, I either become inspired or learn something about myself.

A couple weeks ago I was involved in a discussion and a lady made a comment about a revolution that needs to take place. It left me thinking, what role would I have in this revolution or would I even be involved. The conclusion I came to is that I would definitely be involved and would gladly be one of the key figures. I am ready to take some steps towards some changes that I would like to see. It's time for me to stop talking so much and start doing things to bring change. Man on a mission, let's get it!

yall know the motto....

No days off....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Getty Museum

11-27-2010 marked the first year anniversary for me and my girlfriend. We went to the Getty Museum and enjoyed the entire day together. Check out a few pics....

 I know its dead, but i thought it looked dope. I'll have another blog about its symbolization soon.

Even in art, the motto flows...

No days off!!!

Random Rambling/ Update

I sit here at 1:47 am on a Sunday morning lost in a world of thought. Changes will be made in my life, for the better. I know where I want to end up in life and I am currently configuring the steps that will get me there. I realize that there are some things that I want to start doing, that will actually be beneficial to my life. First, I would like to get back in the gym. I need to lead a healthier lifestyle. Second I want to start reading books that do no necessarily pertain to school. 

I have some upcoming projects coming next year so I hope the world is ready for me. 
I am also going to make this blog like a third job so will be here more often, be on the look out for posts.

I often see other blogs and they all seem to have the same things: music ratings and comments and gossip about celebrities. You wont find that too much on here. If I like some music i'll tell yall to check it out. If not, you wont see it mentioned here, no point in my book.

I think I'm done rambling on for now. 

The motto still flows.....

No days off!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone have a safe and fun Thanksgiving. 
Time to head to make my rounds for the day and enjoy the good times all around. 
Today shall be major jokes, mark my words.
I will have more updates from these past couple of days for you guys soon.

Yall know the motto..

No days off.....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Organizational Post (Because i felt like it lol)

I need to get back organized. I am going to make it a point to keep things in order. With that being said, I am looking at how organized I should be and I how used to be. If I keep my things organized then my life will be organized.

Pics from the past....

No days off....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Old joint

Here is a poem that i wrote a while back. I'm far from a poet, just someone who enjoys expressing myself with words. Tell me what you think....

Two individuals make a couple meaning 1 plus 1 equals 1
So if I subtract you from me then I am none
Your imperfections make you perfect
And your flaws make the fights worth it
I’m not saying your looks not right,
But I could care less what you look like
Because it looks like you got your mind right
And to me that matters more than looks, right
By the way you’re beautiful
They say that young love is dumb love
And that I’m too young to know love
But see we been through a lot so I have to show love
Trust, I know love
You’ve helped me change into a better man
You changed my “no I wont” into “yes I can”
And see from the heart, I love you
I’ve set aside my boyish ways
In hopes that we will have better days
And though my past is a little worried
And the future is a little blurry
I know with you, everything will be ok
See I never been one to show emotions
But this joy you bring me, I just couldn’t hold it
And I’m not saying I’m needy,
But you complete me
And I love you

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Random Facts #3

1. I love shoes

2. I don't like loose hair (like if the hair has fallen off the head; I've had traumatic experiences)

3. i'll find humor in the most awkward situations

4. I want to make a documentary about me and my friends. (in the process as we speak)

5. i got a thing for girls that wear sneakers (shout out deonna)

no days off!

Future Works

I have a couple of projects in the works and getting ready to move past the brainstorming stage of a few of them. Sit tight because there will be a massive dose of creativity coming your way soon. Just bare with me and thanks to all of those who visit the blog and support me in whatever I do.

Saw this video by Joell Ortiz (if you haven't checked him out and you're a fan of good hip hop, you should) and felt like it I could relate so easily. Check it out and enjoy good music.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Behind the Scenes

Go ahead and check out some behind the scenes footage of the Liberal Society Clothing and go ahead and browse over to the blog as well by clicking here 

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Go ahead and follow ya boy on twitter...just click the link below.

you know you want to son!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Music plug: Joe Budden

There is a reason why Joe Budden is one of my favorite rappers. I been telling folks to give him a listen for years now. If you haven't had the chance to listen to Mood Muzik 4: A Turn for the Worst, you are missing out and should leave this blog and go find it immediately (okay finishing peeping my posts and then go get it lol).

You have no choice but to relate to his music. Enjoy this video:

As the motto flows...

No days off!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nothing like a good people watch

Today is the first time in a long while where I do not have something to do while on a break between classes. I figured why not take this time out to post something, so here it goes.....

There is nothing like a good people watch. I am currently sitting in the quad at school and just watching people as they walk to and from their destination. I've seen people of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. One of the things that all of these people have in common, is they look like zombies as they walk from class to class. Besides the few people joking around, who are obviously on some kind of break like myself, everybody is in their own world. Either fixed on their phones or zoned out by the music on their ipods. Its like some of them are running on some kind of chip, no interaction with others whatsoever. 

I wonder is this what college is doing to us. It seems like people are under so much stress that they forget that one of the main reasons for being in college in the first place is to network. I wonder if I look like a zombie to others as I am walking around campus. I'm going make sure that I do not look intimidating to others or look like a zombie while walking around campus.

The motto flows accordingly

No days off........

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Challenge

This week I have challenged myself to blog at least once everyday, through Friday. Let's see how this goes.

While going through this process of becoming a man and growing up, I find my mind wandering all over the place. I feel a separation from most of my friends, my family does not really understand what I'm going through and for the only person who even cares to listen, I can't put these thoughts into words so she can understand them. Lost is a feeling that has come up often. But i guess all these thoughts will have some positive outcome eventually. Until then I will keep it pushing and smiling like nothing is wrong.

even when I don't know, the motto still flows.....

no days off

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Keeping it 100

I find that when most problems come up, "keeping it 100" is often the best way to resolve the issue.
For those who don't know, "keeping it 100" means basically to be completely honest about everything. Leave nothing in the gray, address the problem and get to the solution. Relationships will be maintained through "keeping it 100". If a "friend" cannot accept the fact that you are being honest with them, then the friendship doesn't really run too deep, and should be re-evaluated (honestly).

One of the things that is "required" in any friendship of mine is that we "keep it 100". I don't need a group full of "yes men", no improvement will be made. Don't be afraid to tell me that my idea is stupid or that my poem is wack. Just keep it 100 proof and we will be good.

With that being said..

No days off!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Mindset

Lately, I've been going through the pressures of life and trying to figure out exactly what it is that I want from it. I have many avenues that I want to enter and many lanes that I want travel. The problem is that all of these things are within my reach. The hard part is choosing which road I want to go down first. So I thought to myself, why not just work towards all of them and which ever comes up first I will roll with that for a while. So I am changing my major to something that will help me in this goal of working with people, sociology with a concentration in family, with hopes of pursuing a Master's in counseling. So I'm on track with goal number one. Goal number two is dropping extremely soon, Liberal Society Clothing..look out for us!

Goal number three is going to be intertwined with goal number two, this is being a businessman. Well, sort of. I figured instead of investing in something else, why not just invest in myself and this brand. Instead of a businessman, I'll just work towards becoming a business and do things the way I want. This is also coming to a reality. "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business man."

My mindset is that of a hustler. Word to my mother for that. "My grandmother's daughter aint raise no sucka!"

I'm motivated and ready to take the world by storm. Not really tying to change the world, just the way you look at it!

As the motto flows....

No days off!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Random Facts #2

1. I have a birth mark the shape of a cloud on the inside of my knee

2. I'm starting a clothing line with bro

3. Yes i made a twitter...@Liberal_D

4. When asked to describe myself in two words i would answer: Derrick Bines lol

5. I hate using smiley faces when's for the birds

Hard Work

Making a dream come true is definitely hard work. These past few days I have been working hard, trying to balance mid terms, this blog and also this clothing brand. Liberal Society Clothing is dropping sooner than you think, mid terms are almost over and this blog has become a passion. Basically, all this hard work is worth it. If you see me around, ask me for a sticker or a flyer....

now more than ever the motto flows....

no days off

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Family First

The four people that mean the most:

Dre explaining to Trice what its like to "live the dream"

 My two sisters. Shout out to them

big bro and big sis....shout out to $5 endless champaign!

 No one knows where this road called life will take us, so let's walk it with family

 Thought the whole ebay thing was dope!
There definitely is no grass here!

The women of the family...shout out my mom! 

Even my main man Santa was trying to kick it with my fam! And its not even Christmas season...this proves that WE GO HARD!

As the motto flows.....

No days off!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

And they say rap is not teaching us anything

Say what you want about these men, but their work ethic is something I admire....

no days off..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Little Snippet of the Beast

This week has started off tough. Haven't got much sleep. Had two papers and a big exam due all on the same day. But even though its only Tuesday, the difficult part of my week is complete. Now to just run a successful event on Thursday and I shall be ready for the weekend. Even with all this going on, I'm still feeling pretty beasty!

Yea, I think the pic fits well with my beasty mentality lol!

And as the motto flows..

No days off!

Friday, September 24, 2010

LS Business

The business trip turned photo op. I love my second job! Liberal Society Clothing coming extremely soon!

No days off

Random Facts take 1

I'm going to start posting random facts about myself, that most people would not know:

1. I don't eat ice cream

2. I have a silent "r" in my middle name....(Larmar pronounced Lamar)

3. I'd rather not where white socks

4. My favorite color is gray! And yes I know technically, whatever that means now a days, gray is a shade.

5. I have had the same best friend since the third grade....(shout out my boy Rico)

Also, ya boy has to make a decision in a couple hours....should i create a twitter?

you know the drill

No days off

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Change or Growth

The past couple of days i have been having some talks about change. People have been telling me about how, as they grow older and learn more things, they are seeming to grow apart from people they grew up with. I could not really offer sufficient advice since I can not fully relate to this; because the people in which I hold close are also as driven as me so our growth is happening at the same time. In this video, Jay Z makes an extremely valid point. "People look at you strange, you've changed, like you've worked that hard to stay the same." Change is part of life, and whether we like it or not, we may grow apart from certain people. If the bond is strong enough, the relationship will still remain.

To quote Joe Budden - "I didn't change, I grew some. And if I did change, then I welcome it to come."

And as the motto flows....

No days off!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

November 6th

Its official!!!!! The dream that I mentioned a few blogs ago is finally coming true. November 6th is the day. I cannot give too much information right now, but just know that all this hard work that I have been putting in is paying off. If ever needed some reassurance that hard work pays off, the text I received today was it. To quote Wale "they some workers, we some workaholics".

so as the story goes, the motto still flows

no days off....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gone til Novemeber

For those of you who do not know, I am in somewhat of a long distance relationship. My girlfriend goes to school up North, but is from LA. Before this summer, we really did not get too see each other as often as we would have liked to. This summer though, we got spoiled. We pretty much got see each other anytime one of us would call, and it felt good to be so close, so often. We built memories and grew together this summer. From disagreements to laughing extremely hard at things that probably were not even that funny. From Erykah Badu, Lupe Fiasco and Janelle Monae Concerts to movie nights. This summer was great.

Even though we spent so much time together, it was not until September 19th at 3 am, while sitting on the front steps of her house that the connection that both of us had been looking for was made. Every moment that we have spent together can be summed up by that night. We talked about everything and came to some realizations about our relationship and about us as individuals. In short, it was one of the greatest talks that I have had so far(and I've had some pretty deep talks). 

I use to think that I would stay single forever, by choice of course. But I realize now that finding someone that you care about so much is a much better feeling than being single. It's almost been ten months now and I look forward to many more. Deonna, I love you cuh!

She's has gone back to school now and won't be back until Thanksgiving. The next time I see her, it will be our first year of being together. Until then I will continue to text every time I feel the urge to. And I will continue to think of her every time the sun shines and when the moon glows. And on rainy days I will remember the foggy night in which we made that special connection on the steps.

Even in love, the motto still flows.....

No days off......

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Work In Progress

There is a thin line between brilliance and insanity. The problem with this statement is with the person who is tip toeing that thin line, how does one know which side of the line he or she falls on. I will either be remembered in the lives of others for being a great intellectual or I will be remember as the guy who went crazy. Let's hope for the first!

I have come to the conclusion that my mind works a little, okay a lot, different than most people. I tend to try and find some underlying meaning in everything instead of just taking things as is. This is both a positive and a negative for me. Take something as simple as a missed call: if I find myself in a situation where I need to call up one of my friends, I always expect them to answer the phone or call me back immediately. And when this does not happen I begin this whole unnecessary process and somehow turning that simple missed call into them not caring; instead of just taking it as what it is, a simple missed call. The funny thing is that this only occurs with the people that are closest to me. Maybe this is because I sometimes expect unrealistic things from people, like answering the phone every single time I call. That makes no sense at all, who sits around all day waiting for calls to come in from me? Hell, I wouldn't even wait for me call all day. 

With this being said, I know there are somethings I must work on, and I do indeed plan on changing these things.

To the team, I love you all and I KNOW the feeling is mutual!

I'll end this one no different from the first...

no days off!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chances of a lifetime

If you had the opportunity to make one of your biggest dreams come true, isn't it obvious that you should take it. What if the decision was not that easy?

I have the opportunity to accomplish one of my goals in life right in the palms of my hands, but I am not sure if I will be able to fully give it my all like I would want to. It seems like so many doors are opening for me at the same time and I will have to choose which ones I walk through and which ones I let close. The funny thing is that all of these opportunities are all a priority. Some are obvious ones to walk through, but the difficult thing is which to leave alone?

I never realized that so much stress could come from good things. I'm just confused about what I should do.  I work so hard to get doors to open and I'm rewarded by being able to choose which doors to take, I guess I will just have to break down every opportunity and see which one will be best for me (and the team/ family) in the long run.

Either way it goes, the motto still flows

No days off!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Time

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered, time with the family. It had been a while since my entire, well most, of my family had been together, so this was long overdue. It was my grandfather's birthday weekend, so we decided together and go bowling. This turned out to be a really good idea. It was also the perfect opportunity to introduce my girlfriend to my entire family (big step right? I know lol). Here are just a couple of pics from the day.

No days off!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Come Back

Lately, I've really been finding out the meaning of "no days off". Ever since school has been back in session, I really haven't had time for anything (including blogging). A couple of people have hit me up and let me know I've been slacking, well you guys are right. So I'm back on it. The blog will again become part of my weekly grind. Word!

But let me feel you in on my life as of late. The first week of school was hectic. Junior year of college really started with a bang. I felt ready, but in reality I had not switched back into school mode. My sleeping patterns were off, so I could not fall asleep for the life of me. So no sleep made the week feel much longer than 7 days. It feels as if the weight of the universe was on my shoulders and I began to feel overwhelmed.  Until I went to church and realized that this is what I signed up for. I have worked hard so that all these opportunities can open up for me. Since everything is happening at one time, I have no choice but to accept it. So as the message in church went last week, I can't complain! So I won't complain. I'm going to grind it out.

The second week of school was not bad at all, with this new attitude of mine I feel as if i have no choice but to go hard. Back to the basics!!

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding - Proverbs 3:13 (my favorite Bible verse)

you know the motto,


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Breathe Success

Saw this video and had to post it. Look at the passion in his eyes as he speaks!

No days off!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music Monday

In honor of music monday.....

<a href="">The Perfect Song For You by Young Sparks</a>

<a href="">No by Young Sparks</a>

Farewell Summer, Hello Fall

Summer came and left in a hurry. I enjoyed it thoroughly, even though I could not tell you three big things that I did that would be considered amazing. So let's just say, if you were there then you know how much fun this summer was.  So until next time Summer, be cool, and keep shining!

Today was the official first day of Fall semester. I only had one class so it was not that difficult to get back in the swing of things. Tomorrow, however, I have four classes. (Pray for me). These classes seem a little difficult, but this is what I signed up for, so let's get it! This year I have a lot of pressure on me, and people remind me every chance I get. I am a firm believer in the fact that with enough pressure, anything can become a diamond. I have big shoes to fill, but if no one thought I was up to challenge, I would not be in this position now. This is my time to step up. I'm ready!

Sleepless nights turn into beautiful days if you are working hard enough on the right things!

No days off!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Music plug.....and a little motivation

Been away from the blog for a couple days because things have been hectic lately because school is starting soon. Here's a couple things until I have time to tell you about whats been going on....

Signature shot, had to do it!

Mood Muzik 4 is coming out soon, I'm hype!

Just in case you have been under a rock and haven't seen these

After seeing this, I'm convinced. I want to speak at graduation. So with that in mind, back to the grind I go.

no days off!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Motivation

"Sleepless Nights" refers to the drive that I have to make it, whatever "it" may be. I feel like in order to achieve everything I want in life, I must work extremely hard. My expectations of myself have to higher than what others expect of me. I'm driven by a fear of failure. Whatever failure may be, I do not want to find out. "No days off" refers to the work ethic. I should get better everyday, in my craft and as a person.

Came across this video and had to share with folks. If someone who has already made "it" can remain so motivated, what gives me the right to slack.

No days off!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Keep Dreaming

I guess this could be considered part two of the introduction stage....Here is one of my favorite pieces that I have written so far. Consider this an introduction to a side of me that few people know exist..well until now. Here goes nothing.....

This would be best described as a letter to the past, from the future:

To the little boy
With the thick glasses
Sitting in the front of the classroom
Whose only reason for not
Being called a nerd is
The fact that he is good at sports,

Keep dreaming,
For I know what life has in store for you.
Trust, the thick glasses jokes,
And the dark skinned jokes are only the beginning
Of the end.

Soon you will get older
and you will be able to wow people,
Not with your ability to put the ball in the hoop.
But with your mind.
And with your ability to work harder than most
And still not be satisfied with “making it”

Keep dreaming,
For the shyness will go away, kind of
And those glasses will turn to contact lenses
And the fact that they doubt your generation
Will give you the fuel necessary to step up
And be the reason that they keep hope alive

You’ll also learn to look at things differently
Those contacts will become a telescope
And you will be able to see behind the initial image.
You will be able to look at the most delightful of smiles
And see the pain that is hidden within the cheek bones

You will be able to look at a single mother of four
And see the strength in her steps
As she wakes up every morning to go to work
Without a single complaint because she does what she has to
So her children can do what they want to, when they get older

You will learn that true beauty has no definition
You will see flaws as beautiful
And understand the imperfections make everything that much better

You will learn that Sonics really does exist in Southern CA
and that the slushies really are as good as they seem on the commercial

 you will also go through phases
3X tall will be the size of your white tee
and stuffing socks in shoes will be uncomfortable
but anything not to get a crease in the nikes

you will come to the conclusion that individuality has no fads
and clothes will no longer define you
you will find peace in words
and "fly" will be a term used for bees and birds

you will learn to make others laugh
because if they are laughing with you,
they can no longer laugh at you

So to the little boy
With the thick glasses
Sitting in the front of the classroom,
Keep dreaming
For I know what life has in store for you

The young man that learned through experience
That patience takes work
And life has its twists and turns,
But in the end
It will all be worth it

the young man that felt what bullets sounds like
who stopped listening to statistics
because according to statistics i shouldnt be alive
to write you this letter

the young man that found God for himself
and not just because his mother made him

the young man who stopped caring what others think
because there are only a few opinions that really matter

The young man that you will soon grow into


P.S. you wont hear this too many times over the next couple of years
so before you get too down of yourself just know
I love you

see you are the reason that i am today

so the little boy that is inside of me
keep breathing
for our journey has  just began.

no days off