Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Work In Progress

There is a thin line between brilliance and insanity. The problem with this statement is with the person who is tip toeing that thin line, how does one know which side of the line he or she falls on. I will either be remembered in the lives of others for being a great intellectual or I will be remember as the guy who went crazy. Let's hope for the first!

I have come to the conclusion that my mind works a little, okay a lot, different than most people. I tend to try and find some underlying meaning in everything instead of just taking things as is. This is both a positive and a negative for me. Take something as simple as a missed call: if I find myself in a situation where I need to call up one of my friends, I always expect them to answer the phone or call me back immediately. And when this does not happen I begin this whole unnecessary process and somehow turning that simple missed call into them not caring; instead of just taking it as what it is, a simple missed call. The funny thing is that this only occurs with the people that are closest to me. Maybe this is because I sometimes expect unrealistic things from people, like answering the phone every single time I call. That makes no sense at all, who sits around all day waiting for calls to come in from me? Hell, I wouldn't even wait for me call all day. 

With this being said, I know there are somethings I must work on, and I do indeed plan on changing these things.

To the team, I love you all and I KNOW the feeling is mutual!

I'll end this one no different from the first...

no days off!!!


  1. are you opposed to insanely brilliant?

  2. not at all, most of the people we call great or talented today were considered weird or crazy when the were around
