There is nothing like a good people watch. I am currently sitting in the quad at school and just watching people as they walk to and from their destination. I've seen people of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. One of the things that all of these people have in common, is they look like zombies as they walk from class to class. Besides the few people joking around, who are obviously on some kind of break like myself, everybody is in their own world. Either fixed on their phones or zoned out by the music on their ipods. Its like some of them are running on some kind of chip, no interaction with others whatsoever.
I wonder is this what college is doing to us. It seems like people are under so much stress that they forget that one of the main reasons for being in college in the first place is to network. I wonder if I look like a zombie to others as I am walking around campus. I'm going make sure that I do not look intimidating to others or look like a zombie while walking around campus.
The motto flows accordingly
No days off........
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